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Formulas given in this chapter are only for reference and description of the adopted algorithms. Basic kinematic scheme of the planetary transmission is shown in figure 2.1.

Figure 2.1: Kinematic scheme of the planetary transmission

Numbered components in figure 2.1 are:

  1. Sun gear - ( tex2html_wrap_inline926 )
  2. Planet gear - ( tex2html_wrap_inline928 )
  3. Ring Gear - ( tex2html_wrap_inline930 )
  4. Carrier - C

There are several transmission ratios for different mounting and variants which is shown in table 2.1 where



Input Fixed input Output Transmission ratio
Sun Carrier Ring tex2html_wrap_inline932
Ring Carrier Sun tex2html_wrap_inline934
Carrier Sun Ring tex2html_wrap_inline936
Ring Sun Carrier tex2html_wrap_inline938
Sun Ring Carrier tex2html_wrap_inline940
Carrier Ring Sun tex2html_wrap_inline942
Table 2.1: Transmission ratio as function of drive combination


The most common variant is Sun - Ring - Carrier. Other connections are also used. Number of teeth is tested with the following equation


where tex2html_wrap_inline944 must be whole number.

Leon Kos
Thu Apr 11 18:00:22 METDST 1996