Vrteci svet
Rotating world
Janez Rihtarsic, univ.dipl.ing
mag. Mitja Rihtarsic, univ.dipl.ing
Joze Rihtarsic
Vrteci svet
Opis naprave
Nazaj na vrh
Vrteci svet
Vrteci svet je naprava, ki omogoca preucevanje fizikalnih pojavov, ki se dogajajo v rotirajocem sistemu. Naprava je namenjena delovanju v Hisi eksperimentov, kjer bodo v njej obiskovalci izvajali razlicne poizkuse.
Opis naprave
slika 1.Zunanje dimenzije naprave - tloris.
zunanje dimenzije naprave | |
D x D x H = 2000 x 2000 x 2258 mm |
zunanje dimenzije komore | |
d x d x h = 1310 x 1310 x 2050 mm |
najvecja dovoljena frekvenca | |
f = 0.5 Hz |
najvecja dovoljena masa eksperimentatorja | |
m = 150 kg |
cas pospesevanja do maksimalnih vrtljajev | |
t = 15 s |
Naprava vrteci svet ima moznost frekvencne regulacije vrtljajev, regulacije pospesevanja in zaviranja, ter ustavljanje na zeljenem mestu. Prestava je izvedena s kombinacijo jermenov in frekvencne regulacije. Rotirujoca komora je narejena iz aluminijastih profilov in polnila iz umetne mase. Komora preprecuje vizualni stik z mirujocim svetom in s tem omogoca eksperimentatorju obcutek, da se nahaja v mirujocem sistemu.
slika 2.Prerez osi in pesta vrtiljaka.
Vse te lastnosti ji omogocajo izvedbo razlicnih fizikalnih poizkusov, ki so med seboj izmenljivi.
Spodaj je predstavljeno le sest preprostih mehanski poizkusov, ki jih eksperimentator lahko sam opravi. Obstaja pa se veliko stevilo poizkusov tako iz podrocja mehanike, mehanike tekocin, ki so zahtevnejsi za izvedbo kot tudi za razumevanje.
Na vrvici je privezana zogica, na drugi strani komore pa je tarca. Naloga obiskovalca je, da z zogico, ki je na vrvici zadane tarco. Ce jo zeli zadeti, ne sme metati zogice naravnost v tarco, ker ta zaradi Coriolisove sile zavije v stran. |
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Roza je sestavljena iz utezi na vrvicah, ki na zacetku visijo v smeri osi vrtenja. Ko se soba pricne vrteti se roza razpre. Za koliksen kot fi glede na navpicnico se dvignejo listi, je odvisno od tega za koliko je oddaljeno tezisce od tocke, kjer so vpeti na os. |
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Zaradi zacetnega pospesevanja vrtenja sobe, na vse predmete deluje (ce se postavimo v vrteci koordinatni sistem) sistemska sila, ki ima komponento v tangentni smeri. Ta sila bi povzrocila, da bi se kroglica po nagnjenem radialnem zlebu zakotalila navzgor.
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maksimalni naklon klanca:
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V vrtecem sistemu na vse predmete deluje se t.i. centrifugalna sila, ki je radialna komponenta sistemske sile. Tudi ta lahko povzroci, da bi se kroglica navidezno gibala navzgor po spiralastem klancu.
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maksimalni naklon klanca:
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Carobni disk
Nad osjo vrtiljaka je pritrjen disk, ki je vrtljiv okoli glavne osi in še okoli osi, ki je pravokotna na glavno os, tako kot to prikazuje slika. Poskus poteka tako da, v vrtecem sistemu z roko ustavimo disk. Ker disk ustavimo v vrtecem sistemu ima disk vrtilno kolicino glede na inercialni sistem. Nato ga zavrtimo za 90° okoli osi2. Ker je navor deloval pravokotno na vrtilno kolicino ni vplival na njegovo velikost, spremenila se je samo smer in disk se je zaradi tega pricel vrteti glede na ohisje s kotno hitrostjo vrtiljaka w. Ce pa disk zasucemo okoli osi 2 za 180° se pricne vrteti z dvojni kotno hitrostjo w glede na ohišje.
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Vrteca palica
V vrtecem sistemu umirimo palico, ki je vrtljiva okoli navpicne osi. Nato s pomocjo vrvice spreminjajo oddaljenost utezi od vrtljive osi, tako kot to prikazuje skica. Ce razdaljo povecamo, potem se pricne vrteti glede na nas v obratni smeri vrtenja vrtiljaka s kotno hitrostjo w. Do tega pride zaradi ohranitve vrtilne kolicine. Ko smo palico umirili v vrtecem sistemu, ki se vrti s kotno hitrostjo w0. Zaradi tega ima palica vrtilno kolicino.
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Ker smo spremenili razdaljo r se je povecal vztrajnostni moment palice. Ker pa se vrtilna kolicina ohranja se pricne palica vrteti s kotno hitrostjo glede na vrteci sistem.
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Rotating world
Description of a device
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Rotating world
Rotating world is a device that enables us to study phisical phenomena which occur in rotating system. Device is intended to work in the House of experiments, where visitors can conduct and study different physical laws.
Description of a device
picture 1.Outer dimensions of the device - top view.
outer dimensions of the device | |
D x D x H = 2000 x 2000 x 2258 mm |
outer dimensions of the rotating chamber | |
d x d x h = 1310 x 1310 x 2050 mm |
maximum frequency | |
f = 0.5 Hz |
maximum weight of the experimentating person | |
m = 150 kg |
acceleration time | |
t = 15 s |
Device has possibility of frequency regulation, regulation of acceleration and regulation of braking. It also can stop od desired location. This was carried out with combination of belts and frequency regulator. Rotating chamber consists of aluminium profiles and plastic plates. Walls of the chamber prevent visual contact with outside world, so that the person inside of the chamber has a feeling, that he is in motionless system.
picture 2.Cross section of an axle and nave.
All these characteristic enable us to conduct several physical experiments, which can be exchangeable.
Here we present only six simple mechanical experiments, which can be conducted by the visitor himself. There is also large number of experiments from mechanics, mechanics of fluids, which are more demanding to understand and perform.
We have attached ball on the end of the rope. Visitors task is to hit a target on the other side of the chamber. If he wants to hit the target he must not throw the ball straight toward it, because the ball slightly turns from direction because of coriollis force.
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Flower consists of weigts on ropes, which at first hang in the axis of rotation. When the room starts to rotate flower starts to blossom. Angle between axis of rotation and the rope, depends on the distance between weights centre of gravity and fixing point on the axis.
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Because the chamber on the begining accelerates, all objects feel the system force. It's tangentional component. causes movement of the ball upwards a slight slope as in our case upwards the groove.
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maximum angle:
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In rotating system all objects feel also so called centrifugal force which is radial componet of a system force. This force causes movement of a ball upwards the spiral groove.
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maximum angle:
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Magic disk
We have attached disk on the axis which must be able to rotate around main axis and also around axis which is perpendicular on the main axis as it is shown on the picture. In the experiment we stop the disk in a rotating system. Because we stop the disk in a rotating system, it has rotational quantity against inertial system. Then we turn the disk for 90° around second axis. Because there was moment working in perpendicular direction on the rotating quantity in did't affect it's quantity, it only changed the direction. Because of this disk starts to rotate with angular speed of the chamber. If we turn disk around second axis for 180°, it will start to rotate with double angular speed.
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Rotating stick
We have a stick in a rotating system which has to be able to rotate around vertical axis. With the use of the rope we change the distance between the weights and the axis as it is shown on the picture. If we incease the distance, then the stick starts to rotate in opposite direction then the chamber with angular velocity w. This happens because of preservation of rotating quantity. Rotational speed of the chamber is w0 and this is the reason why the stick has rotating quantity.
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Because we changed distance r, we increased moment of inertia of the stick. Because the rotating quantity of the stick is preserving, stick starts to rotate with angular speed towards the rotating chamber.
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