S casoma prihaja pri dinamicno obremenjenih strojnih elementih do utrujanja materiala in s tem se povecuje moznost porusitve. Namen varnostne kletke je prepreciti padec smucarjev s sedeznice, v primeru, da se odtrga pogonska gred sedeznice. Varnostna kletka je vgrajena v ze obstojeco infrastrukturo. Masa celotne kontrukcije tehta 1925 kg. Da jo je bilo mogoce prepeljati in montirati v visokogorju je izvedena po posameznih modulih, ki se med seboj zvijacijo.
There is increased probability of failure with time on dynamically loaded mechanical elements due to fatigue and weariness of the material. Intention of the safety cage is to prevent skiers to fall of chairlift in case of the drive shaft failure. Safety cage is mounted in exiting infrastructure. Weight of the whole construction is 1925 kg and was designed in a modular manner so that it was possible to transport and mount it in the mountains.
- Pogonsko kolo sedeznice brez varnostne kletke.
- Driving wheel of the chairlift without the safety cage.
- Stranski ris in deformacija varnostne kletke pod obremenitvijo.
- Side view of the safety cage and deformation under load.
- Pogonsko kolo sedeznice z varnostno kletko.
- Driving wheel of the chairlift without the safety cage.
- Pogonsko kolo sedeznice z varnostno kletko.
- Driving wheel of the chairlift without the safety cage.