Izvorna Koda


unit Unit2; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, Math, ComCtrls; type TForm1 = class(TForm) Image1: TImage; Button1: TButton; Label1: TLabel; Label2: TLabel; Memo1: TMemo; Button2: TButton; OpenDialog1: TOpenDialog; Edit1: TEdit; Edit2: TEdit; Edit3: TEdit; Edit4: TEdit; Label3: TLabel; Label4: TLabel; Label5: TLabel; Label6: TLabel; Edit5: TEdit; Label7: TLabel; Memo2: TMemo; Edit6: TEdit; Label8: TLabel; Button3: TButton; StatusBar1: TStatusBar; Label9: TLabel; Label10: TLabel; Button4: TButton; SaveDialog1: TSaveDialog; procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure Button2Click(Sender: TObject); procedure Button3Click(Sender: TObject); procedure Button4Click(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end; var Form1: TForm1; implementation {$R *.DFM} const MAX_DALJIC = 4000000; MAX_TOCK = 2000; type tockiT = record kot : Real; odmik : Real; end; type tockaT = record x, y : Integer; end; premicaT = record kot, odmik : Integer; end; premicaRT = record kot, odmik : Real; end; var tabela : Array[1..MAX_DALJIC] of tockiT; tocka : Array[1..MAX_TOCK] of tockaT; p_tabela : Array[-2000..2000,0..180] of LongInt; k_tabela : Array[0..180] of Longint; premica : Array[1..1000] of PremicaT; p_premica : Array[1..100] of PremicaRT; function toString(I: Longint): string; var S: string[11]; begin Str(I, S); toString:= S; end; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var visina, sirina : Integer; a, b, aa, bb : Integer; piksel, piksel2, barva : TColor; i : Integer; i2 : LongInt; la, lb, lc : LongInt; c : Integer; kot : Integer; n : LongInt; odmik_navp, odmik_vodo : Real; stevec1, stevec : Integer; povprecje : Real; faktor : Integer; faktor_R : Real; kotR, odmikR : Real; tolerancaKot, tolerancaOdmik : Integer; max_koti : Array[1..181] of Integer; kotP : LongInt; odmikP : LongInt; Procedure IskanjeDaljice(kotI, odmik : Real); var zx, zy : Integer; zx_r, zy_r : Real; t : Integer; kot : Real; tI : Integer; stanje : Integer; tx, ty : Integer; zac_x, zac_y : Integer; tolerancaDolzine : Integer; Function IsciRumeno : Boolean; Var i, j : Integer; Ja : Boolean; Begin Ja := False; for i:=1 to 2*tI+1 do for j:=1 to 2*tI+1 do begin if Image1.Canvas.Pixels[-(tI) + zx + i, -(ti) + zy + j]=clYellow then begin Ja:=True; tx := -(tI) + zx + i; ty := -(ti) + zy + j; end; end; IsciRumeno := Ja; End; Function IsciRdece : Boolean; Var i, j : Integer; Ja : Boolean; Begin Ja := True; for i:=1 to 2*tI+1 do for j:=1 to 2*tI+1 do begin if Image1.Canvas.Pixels[-(tI) + zx + i, -(ti) + zy + j]=clYellow then begin Ja:=False; tx := -(tI) + zx + i; ty := -(ti) + zy + j; end; end; IsciRdece := Ja; End; Begin if odmik>=0 then begin zx_r := 1; zy_r := odmik; if kotI<90 then kot := -kotI else kot := 180 - kotI; end else begin zx_r := -odmik; zy_r := 1; kot := 180-kotI; if kot <0 then kot:=kot+180; if kot > 180 then kot:=kot-180; end; t:=0; Val(Edit5.Text,tI,C); Val(Edit6.Text,tolerancaDolzine,C); stanje := 1; repeat inc(t); zx := round(zx_r + cos(kot*pi/180)*(t)); zy := round(zy_r + sin(kot*pi/180)*(t)); if stanje=1 then if IsciRumeno then begin stanje:=2; zac_x:=tx; zac_y:=ty; end; if stanje=2 then if IsciRdece then begin stanje:=1; if Sqrt(Sqr(tx-zac_x)+Sqr(ty-zac_y))>tolerancaDolzine then begin Memo2.Lines.Add('Z: X='+IntToStr(zac_x)+',Y='+IntToStr(zac_y)); Memo2.Lines.Add('K: X='+IntToStr(tx)+',Y= '+IntToStr(ty)); end; end; if (t mod 100 = 0) then Application.ProcessMessages; if stanje=1 then Image1.Canvas.Pixels[zx,zy]:=clBlue; until (zx>Image1.Width) or (zy>Image1.Height) or (zx<0) or (zy<0); End; begin Memo1.Clear; Memo2.Clear; fillchar(p_tabela,sizeof(p_tabela),0); fillchar(k_tabela,sizeof(k_tabela),0); fillchar(max_koti,sizeof(max_koti),0); visina := Image1.Height; sirina := Image1.Width; i := 0; Form1.Caption:='Pregledujem tocke'; { pregledam in si zapomnim crne tocke } For a:=0 to visina do begin if a mod 10=0 then Application.ProcessMessages; For b:=0 to sirina do begin piksel := Image1.Canvas.Pixels[b,a]; Image1.Canvas.Pixels[b,a] := clRed; if piksel = clBlack then begin inc(i); tocka[i].x := b; tocka[i].y := a; end; {if} Label1.Caption := toString(i); end; {for} end; {for} (********************************************) Form1.Caption:='Racunanje transformacije...'; { transformacija x/y -> kot/odmik } i2 := 0; for a:=1 to i-1 do begin Image1.Canvas.Pixels[tocka[a].x, tocka[a].y]:=clYellow; Label2.Caption:=toString(i2); Application.ProcessMessages; for b:=a+1 to i do begin inc(i2); tabela[i2].kot := ArcTan2(tocka[a].x - tocka[b].x, tocka[a].y - tocka[b].y); {koti bodo od -pi do pi } odmik_navp := tocka[a].y - CoTan(tabela[i2].kot) * tocka[a].x; odmik_vodo := tocka[a].x - Tan(tabela[i2].kot) * tocka[a].y; { izracunam odmik na osi x in osi y - vrzrok: pri navpicnih premicah odmik na y gre proti y, pa tudi skala pri porazdelitveni tabeli se pri n -> neskoncno prevec popaci } if (odmik_navp<0) or ((odmik_vodo>0) and (odmik_navp>odmik_vodo)) then tabela[i2].odmik := -odmik_vodo else tabela[i2].odmik := odmik_navp; end; end; (******************************************) Form1.Caption:='Graditev pogostostne tabele...'; {graditev pogostostne tabele} fillchar(p_tabela,sizeof(p_tabela),0); for la:=1 to i2 do begin {if abs(tabela[la].odmik)<=2000 then} begin n := round(tabela[la].odmik); kot := (Round(radToDeg(tabela[la].kot)) + 270) mod 180; inc(p_tabela[n,kot]); inc(k_tabela[kot]); if (la mod 1000=0) then begin Application.ProcessMessages; label1.caption:=toString(la); end; end; end; (****************************************************) { iskanje maximumov } { iskanje po kotih } faktor:=0; povprecje := i2 / 180; val(edit1.text,faktor,c); faktor_r := faktor / 100; stevec := 0; for la:=0 to 180 do begin if k_tabela[la]>(povprecje * faktor_r) then begin inc(stevec); max_koti[stevec]:=la; end; end; faktor:=0; val(edit1.text,faktor,c); faktor_r := faktor / 100; // memo1.lines.add(Floattostr(faktor_r)); stevec1 := 0; for la:=1 to stevec do begin povprecje := k_tabela[max_koti[la]] / 100; for lb:=-2000 to 2000 do begin if p_tabela[lb,max_koti[la]]>(povprecje * faktor_r) then begin inc(stevec1); premica[stevec1].kot := max_koti[la]; premica[stevec1].odmik := lb; end; end; end; { povprecenje podobnih premic } lc := 0; for la:=1 to stevec1 do begin if premica[la].kot <> -999 then begin kotP := premica[la].kot; odmikP := premica[la].odmik; Val(Edit3.Text,tolerancaKot,c); Val(Edit4.Text,tolerancaOdmik,c); stevec := 1; For lb:=la+1 to stevec1 do begin if ((abs(premica[lb].kot-premica[la].kot)<=tolerancaKot) and (abs(premica[lb].odmik - premica[la].odmik)<=tolerancaOdmik)) then begin inc(stevec); kotP:=kotP + premica[lb].kot; odmikP := odmikP + premica[lb].odmik; premica[lb].kot := -999; end; end; kotR := kotP / stevec; odmikR := odmikP / stevec; inc(lc); p_premica[lc].kot := kotR; p_premica[lc].odmik := odmikR; end; end; { iskanje daljic } for la:=1 to lc do begin memo1.Lines.add('a='+IntToStr(Round(p_premica[la].kot))+', b='+IntToStr(Round(p_premica[la].odmik))); end; For la:=1 to lc do begin IskanjeDaljice(p_premica[la].kot, p_premica[la].odmik); end; { iskanje po n } Form1.Caption:='Program'; end; procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); begin if (OpenDialog1.Execute) then Image1.Picture.LoadFromFile(OpenDialog1.FileName); end; procedure TForm1.Button3Click(Sender: TObject); begin Image1.Picture.LoadFromFile(OpenDialog1.FileName); end; procedure TForm1.Button4Click(Sender: TObject); begin if SaveDialog1.Execute then begin Memo1.Lines.SaveToFile(ExtractFileDir(SaveDialog1.FileName)+'a-b.txt'); Memo2.Lines.SaveToFile(ExtractFileDir(SaveDialog1.FileName)+'Koordinate.txt'); end; end; end.