Cooling and freezing time for stacionary liquid in pipes

Izračun časa ohlajanja in zmrzovanja stacionarnih tekočin v ceveh po standardu ISO 12241

Insert data
Name of data Units
Internal start temperature of liquid    °C
Internal end temperature of liquid    °C
Temperature of ambient    °C
Pipe lenght   l m
External diameter of pipe   Di mm
Internal diameter of pipe   Dip mm
External diameter of isolation   De mm
Heat capacity of liquid   cpw kJ/kgK
Mass of liquid   mw kg
Density of liquid    kg/m3
Part of ice   f %

Choose material for pipe
Material cp[kJ/kgK]
 Steel 0,465 7850
 Copper 0,419 8300
 Aluminium 0,896 2700
 Lead 0,128 11340
 User define

Choose material of isolation
 Glass-wool 0,036
 Asbestos-wool 0,09
 Slag-wool 0,04
 Rubber sponge 0,055
 Weaved silk 0,045
 Combed cotton 0,059
 Combed wool 0,036
 User define

Result Value
Liquid cooling time   [h]    [h]
Freezing time    [h]    [h]
Ice cooling time   [h]    [h]
