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vtkQtRenderWindow Member List
This is the complete list of members for vtkQtRenderWindow, including all inherited members.
- AAFrames
- AbortCheckMethod)(void *)
- AbortCheckMethodArg
- AbortCheckMethodArgDelete)(void *)
- AbortRender
- acceptDrops() const
- AccumulationBuffer
- activate_signal( const char * signal, short )
- activate_signal( const char * signal, int )
- activate_signal( const char * signal, long )
- activate_signal( const char * signal, const char * )
- activate_signal_bool( const char * signal, bool )
- activate_signal_string( const char * signal, QString )
- activate_signal_strref( const char * signal, const QString & )
- AddRenderer(vtkRenderer *)
- adjustSize()
- AlignmentFlags{ AlignLeft = 0x0001, AlignRight = 0x0002, AlignHCenter = 0x0004, AlignTop = 0x0008, AlignBottom = 0x0010, AlignVCenter = 0x0020, AlignCenter = AlignVCenter | AlignHCenter, SingleLine = 0x0040, DontClip = 0x0080, ExpandTabs = 0x0100, ShowPrefix = 0x0200, WordBreak = 0x0400, DontPrint = 0x1000 }
- autoBufferSwap() const
- autoMask() const
- backgroundColor() const
- backgroundColorChange( const QColor & )
- backgroundMode() const
- BackgroundMode{ FixedColor, FixedPixmap, NoBackground, PaletteForeground, PaletteButton, PaletteLight, PaletteMidlight, PaletteDark, PaletteMid, PaletteText, PaletteBrightText, PaletteBase, PaletteBackground, PaletteShadow, PaletteHighlight, PaletteHighlightedText }
- backgroundOrigin() const
- BackgroundOrigin{ WidgetOrigin, ParentOrigin }
- backgroundPixmap() const
- backgroundPixmapChange( const QPixmap & )
- badSuperclassWarning( const char * className, const char * superclassName )
- baseSize() const
- bitBlt(QPaintDevice * dst, const QPoint & dp, const QPaintDevice * src, const QRect & sr, RasterOp rop)
- bitBlt(QPaintDevice * dst, int dx, int dy, const QPaintDevice * src, int sx, int sy, int sw, int sh, Qt::RasterOp rop, bool ignoreMask)
- blockSignals( bool b )
- Borders
- BordersOff()
- BordersOn()
- ButtonState{ NoButton = 0x00, LeftButton = 0x01, RightButton = 0x02, MidButton = 0x04, MouseButtonMask = 0x07, ShiftButton = 0x08, ControlButton = 0x10, AltButton = 0x20, KeyButtonMask = 0x38 }
- caption() const
- CheckAbortStatus()
- checkConnectArgs( const char * signal, const QObject * receiver, const char * member )
- child( const char * name, const char * type = 0 )
- childEvent( QChildEvent * )
- children() const
- childrenRect() const
- childrenRegion() const
- className() const
- clearFocus()
- clearMask()
- clearWFlags( WFlags n )
- close( bool alsoDelete )
- close()
- closeEvent( QCloseEvent * )
- ClosePPMImageFile()
- cmd( int, QPainter *, QPDevCmdParam * )
- colorGroup() const
- connect( const QObject * sender, const char * signal, const char * member ) const
- connect( const QObject * sender, const char * signal, const QObject * receiver, const char * member )
- connectNotify( const char * signal )
- constPolish() const
- context() const
- CopyResultFrame()
- create( WId = 0, bool initializeWindow = TRUE, bool destroyOldWindow = TRUE )
- CurrentSubFrame
- cursor() const
- customEvent( QCustomEvent * )
- customWhatsThis() const
- DesiredUpdateRate
- destroy( bool destroyWindow = TRUE, bool destroySubWindows = TRUE )
- destroyed()
- devType() const
- disconnect( const char * signal=0, const QObject * receiver=0, const char * member=0 )
- disconnect( const QObject * receiver, const char * member=0 )
- disconnect( const QObject * sender, const char * signal, const QObject * receiver, const char * member )
- disconnectNotify( const char * signal )
- DoAARender()
- DoFDRender()
- DoStereoRender()
- doubleBuffer() const
- dragEnterEvent( QDragEnterEvent * )
- dragLeaveEvent( QDragLeaveEvent * )
- dragMoveEvent( QDragMoveEvent * )
- drawText( int x, int y, const QString & )
- drawText( const QPoint &, const QString & )
- dropEvent( QDropEvent * )
- dumpObjectInfo()
- dumpObjectTree()
- enabledChange( bool )
- enterEvent( QEvent * ) (defined in vtkQtRenderWindow)
[inline, virtual]
- erase()
- erase( int x, int y, int w, int h )
- erase( const QRect & )
- erase( const QRegion & )
- event( QEvent * )
- eventFilter( QObject *, QEvent * )
- FDFrames
- FileName
- find( WId )
- focusData()
- focusInEvent( QFocusEvent * )
- focusNextPrevChild( bool next )
- focusOutEvent( QFocusEvent * )
- focusPolicy() const
- FocusPolicy{ NoFocus = 0, TabFocus = 0x1, ClickFocus = 0x2, StrongFocus = 0x3, WheelFocus = 0x7 }
- focusProxy() const
- focusWidget() const
- font() const
- fontChange( const QFont & )
- fontInf( QFont *, int ) const
- fontInfo() const
- fontMet( QFont *, int, const char * = 0, int = 0 ) const
- fontMetrics() const
- foregroundColor() const
- format() const
- Frame()
- frameGeometry() const
- frameSize() const
- FullScreen
- FullScreenOff()
- FullScreenOn()
- geometry() const
- GetAAFrames()
- GetAbortRender()
- GetBorders()
- GetClassName() (defined in vtkQtRenderWindow)
- GetDepthBufferSize()
- GetDesiredUpdateRate()
- GetDisplayId()
- GetEventPending()
- GetFDFrames()
- GetFileName()
- GetFullScreen()
- GetGenericContext()
- GetGenericDisplayId()
[inline, virtual]
- GetGenericDrawable() (defined in vtkQtRenderWindow)
[inline, virtual]
- GetGenericParentId()
- GetGenericWindowId() (defined in vtkQtRenderWindow)
[inline, virtual]
- GetGlobalMaximumNumberOfMultiSamples() (defined in vtkQtRenderWindow)
- GetInAbortCheck()
- GetInteractor()
- GetLineSmoothing()
- GetMultiSamples() (defined in vtkQtRenderWindow)
- GetNeverRendered()
- GetNumLayers()
- GetPixelData(int x,int y,int x2,int y2,int front)
- GetPointSmoothing()
- GetPolygonSmoothing()
- GetRenderers()
- GetRenderLibrary()
- GetRGBAPixelData(int x,int y,int x2,int y2,int front)
- GetSize() (defined in vtkQtRenderWindow)
- GetSize( int &, int &) (defined in vtkQtRenderWindow)
- GetSize( int [2]) (defined in vtkQtRenderWindow)
- GetStereoCapableWindow()
- GetStereoRender()
- GetStereoType()
- GetStereoTypeAsString()
- GetSubFrames()
- GetSwapBuffers()
- getWFlags() const
- GetWindowId()
- GetZbufferData( int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2 )
- glDraw()
- glInit()
- grabKeyboard()
- grabMouse()
- grabMouse( const QCursor & )
- hasFocus() const
- hasMouseTracking() const
- height() const
- heightForWidth( int ) const
- hide()
- hideEvent( QHideEvent * )
- highPriority() const
- icon() const
- iconText() const
- InAbortCheck
- inherits( const char * ) const
- initApp() (defined in vtkQtRenderWindow)
- initializeGL() (defined in vtkQtRenderWindow)
- initializeOverlayGL()
- initializeOverlayGL()
- initMetaObject()
- InRender
- insertChild( QObject * )
- installEventFilter( const QObject * )
- Interactor
- isA( const char * ) const
- IsA(const char *type) (defined in vtkQtRenderWindow)
- isActiveWindow() const
- isDesktop() const
- isEnabled() const
- isEnabledTo( QWidget * ) const
- isExtDev() const
- isFocusEnabled() const
- isMinimized() const
- isModal() const
- isPopup() const
- isSharing() const
- isTopLevel() const
- IsTypeOf(const char *type) (defined in vtkQtRenderWindow)
- isUpdatesEnabled() const
- isValid() const
- isVisible() const
- isVisibleTo( QWidget * ) const
- isWidgetType() const
- keyboardGrabber()
- keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent*) (defined in vtkQtRenderWindow)
- keyReleaseEvent(QKeyEvent*) (defined in vtkQtRenderWindow)
- killTimer( int id )
- killTimers()
- layout() const
- leaveEvent( QEvent * ) (defined in vtkQtRenderWindow)
[inline, virtual]
- LineSmoothing
- LineSmoothingOff()
- LineSmoothingOn()
- lower()
- makeCurrent()
- MakeCurrent()
- makeOverlayCurrent()
- MakeRenderWindowInteractor() (defined in vtkQtRenderWindow)
- mapFromGlobal( const QPoint & ) const
- mapFromParent( const QPoint & ) const
- mapToGlobal( const QPoint & ) const
- mapToParent( const QPoint & ) const
- maximumHeight() const
- maximumSize() const
- maximumWidth() const
- metaObject() const
- metric( int ) const
- microFocusHint() const
- minimumHeight() const
- minimumSize() const
- minimumSizeHint() const (defined in vtkQtRenderWindow)
- minimumWidth() const
- mouseDoubleClickEvent( QMouseEvent * )
- mouseGrabber()
- mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent*) (defined in vtkQtRenderWindow)
- mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent*) (defined in vtkQtRenderWindow)
- mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent*) (defined in vtkQtRenderWindow)
- move( int x, int y )
- move( const QPoint & )
- moveEvent( QMoveEvent * )
- MultiSamples (defined in vtkQtRenderWindow)
- name() const
- name( const char * defaultName ) const
- NeverRendered
- New() (defined in vtkQtRenderWindow)
- NumLayers
- objectTrees()
- OldMonitorSetting (defined in vtkQtRenderWindow)
- OldScreen[5]
- OpenPPMImageFile()
- operator=(const vtkRenderWindow&)
- Orientation{ Horizontal, Vertical }
- overlayContext() const
- paintEvent( QPaintEvent * )
- paintGL() (defined in vtkQtRenderWindow)
- paintingActive() const
- paintOverlayGL()
- paintOverlayGL()
- palette() const
- paletteChange( const QPalette & )
- parent() const
- parentWidget() const
- PenCapStyle{ FlatCap = 0x00, SquareCap = 0x10, RoundCap = 0x20, MPenCapStyle = 0x30 }
- PenJoinStyle{ MiterJoin = 0x00, BevelJoin = 0x40, RoundJoin = 0x80, MPenJoinStyle = 0xc0 }
- PenStyle{ NoPen, SolidLine, DashLine, DotLine, DashDotLine, DashDotDotLine, MPenStyle = 0x0f }
- PointSmoothing
- PointSmoothingOff()
- PointSmoothingOn()
- polish()
- PolygonSmoothing
- PolygonSmoothingOff()
- PolygonSmoothingOn()
- pos() const
- PPMImageFilePtr
- PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent) (defined in vtkQtRenderWindow)
- PropagationMode{ NoChildren, AllChildren, SameFont, SamePalette = SameFont }
- property( const char * name ) const
- qglClearColor( const QColor & c ) const
- qglColor( const QColor & c ) const
- QGLWidget( QWidget * parent=0, const char * name=0, const QGLWidget * shareWidget = 0, WFlags f=0 )
- QGLWidget( const QGLFormat & format, QWidget * parent=0, const char * name=0, const QGLWidget * shareWidget = 0, WFlags f=0 )
- QGLWidget()
- QObject( QObject * parent=0, const char * name=0 )
- QObject()
- QPaintDevice()
- QPaintDevice( uint devflags )
- QPainter()
- QStyleSheet().
- QStyleSheet() returns TRUE, otherwise as for
- qt_find_obj_child(QObject * parent, const char * type, const char * name)
- queryList( const char * inheritsClass = 0, const char * objName = 0, bool regexpMatch = TRUE, bool recursiveSearch = TRUE )
- QWidget( QWidget * parent=0, const char * name=0, WFlags f=0 )
- QWidget()
- raise()
- RasterOp{ CopyROP, OrROP, XorROP, NotAndROP, EraseROP=NotAndROP, NotCopyROP, NotOrROP, NotXorROP, AndROP, NotEraseROP=AndROP, NotROP, ClearROP, SetROP, NopROP, AndNotROP, OrNotROP, NandROP, NorROP, LastROP=NorROP }
- receivers( const char * signal ) const
- rect() const
- releaseKeyboard()
- releaseMouse()
- removeChild( QObject * )
- removeEventFilter( const QObject * )
- RemoveRenderer(vtkRenderer *)
- Render()
- Renderers
- renderPixmap( int w = 0, int h = 0, bool useContext = FALSE )
- repaint()
- repaint( bool erase )
- repaint( int x, int y, int w, int h, bool erase=TRUE )
- repaint( const QRect &, bool erase=TRUE )
- repaint( const QRegion &, bool erase=TRUE )
- reparent( QWidget * parent, WFlags, const QPoint &, bool showIt=FALSE )
- reparent( QWidget * parent, const QPoint &, bool showIt=FALSE )
- resize( int w, int h )
- resize( const QSize & )
- resizeEvent( QResizeEvent * )
- resizeGL(int, int) (defined in vtkQtRenderWindow)
- QGLWidget::resizeGL() - Set up OpenGL viewport, projection etc. Gets called
- resizeOverlayGL( int w, int h )
- resizeOverlayGL()
- ResultFrame
- SafeDownCast(vtkObject *o) (defined in vtkQtRenderWindow)
- SaveImageAsPPM()
- scroll( int dx, int dy )
- scroll( int dx, int dy, const QRect & )
- sender()
- SetAAFrames( int )
- SetAbortCheckMethod(void (*f)(void *), void *arg)
- SetAbortCheckMethodArgDelete(void (*f)(void *))
- SetAbortRender( int )
- setAcceptDrops( bool on )
- setActiveWindow()
- setAutoBufferSwap( bool on )
- setAutoMask( bool )
- setBackgroundColor( const QColor & )
- setBackgroundMode( BackgroundMode )
- setBackgroundOrigin( BackgroundOrigin )
- setBackgroundPixmap( const QPixmap & )
- setBaseSize( const QSize & )
- setBaseSize( int basew, int baseh )
- SetBorders( int )
- setCaption( const QString & )
- setCursor( const QCursor & )
- SetDesiredUpdateRate(float)
- SetDisplayId(Display *)
- SetDisplayId(void *) (defined in vtkQtRenderWindow)
- setEnabled( bool )
- SetFDFrames( int )
- SetFileName(const char*)
- setFixedHeight( int h )
- setFixedSize( const QSize & )
- setFixedSize( int w, int h )
- setFixedWidth( int w )
- setFocus()
- setFocusPolicy( FocusPolicy )
- setFocusProxy( QWidget * )
- setFont( const QFont & )
- SetFullScreen(int)
- setGeometry( int x, int y, int w, int h )
- setGeometry( const QRect & )
- SetGlobalMaximumNumberOfMultiSamples(int val)
- setIcon( const QPixmap & )
- setIconText( const QString & )
- SetInAbortCheck( int )
- SetInteractor(vtkQtRenderWindowInteractor*) (defined in vtkQtRenderWindow)
- vtkRenderWindow::SetInteractor(vtkRenderWindowInteractor *)
- setKeyCompression( bool )
- SetLineSmoothing( int )
- setMask( const QBitmap & )
- setMask( const QRegion & )
- setMaximumHeight( int maxh )
- setMaximumSize( const QSize & )
- setMaximumSize( int maxw, int maxh )
- setMaximumWidth( int maxw )
- setMicroFocusHint( int x, int y, int w, int h, bool text=TRUE )
- setMinimumHeight( int minh )
- setMinimumSize( const QSize & )
- setMinimumSize( int minw, int minh )
- setMinimumWidth( int minw )
- setMouseTracking( bool enable )
- SetMultiSamples( int )
- setName( const char * name )
- SetNumLayers( int )
- setPalette( const QPalette & )
- SetParentId(void *)
- SetPixelData(int x,int y,int x2,int y2,unsigned char *, int front) (defined in vtkQtRenderWindow)
- SetPointSmoothing( int )
- SetPolygonSmoothing( int )
- setProperty( const char * name, const QVariant & value )
- SetRGBAPixelData(int x,int y,int x2,int y2,float *,int front, int blend=0) (defined in vtkQtRenderWindow)
- SetSize(int w,int h)
- SetSize(int a[2]) (defined in vtkQtRenderWindow)
- setSizeIncrement( const QSize & )
- setSizeIncrement( int w, int h )
- SetStereoCapableWindow(int capable)
- SetStereoRender(int stereo)
- SetStereoType( int )
- SetStereoTypeToCrystalEyes()
- SetStereoTypeToInterlaced()
- SetStereoTypeToLeft()
- SetStereoTypeToRedBlue()
- SetStereoTypeToRight()
- setStyle( QStyle * )
- SetSubFrames( int )
- SetSwapBuffers( int )
- setTabOrder( QWidget *, QWidget * )
- setUpdatesEnabled( bool enable )
- setWFlags( WFlags )
- SetWindowId(Window)
- SetWindowId(void *) (defined in vtkQtRenderWindow)
- SetWindowInfo(char *info)
- SetZbufferData( int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, float *buffer ) (defined in vtkQtRenderWindow)
- show()
- showEvent( QShowEvent * )
- showFullScreen()
- showMaximized()
- showMinimized()
- showNormal()
- signalsBlocked() const
- size() const
- sizeHint() const (defined in vtkQtRenderWindow)
- sizeIncrement() const
- sizePolicy() const (defined in vtkQtRenderWindow)
- Start()
- startTimer( int interval )
- staticMetaObject()
- StereoBuffer
- StereoCapableWindow
- StereoCapableWindowOff()
- StereoCapableWindowOn()
- StereoMidpoint()
- StereoRender
- StereoRenderComplete()
- StereoRenderOff()
- StereoRenderOn()
- StereoStatus
- StereoType
- StereoUpdate()
- style() const
- styleChange( QStyle & )
- SubFrames
- SwapBuffers
- swapBuffers()
- SwapBuffersOff()
- SwapBuffersOn()
- testWFlags( WFlags n ) const
- TextFormat{ PlainText, RichText, AutoText }
- timerEvent( QTimerEvent * )
- topLevelWidget() const
- tr( const char * )
- UnRegister(vtkObject *o)
- unsetCursor()
- unsetFont()
- unsetPalette()
- update()
- update( int x, int y, int w, int h )
- update( const QRect & )
- updateGeometry()
- updateGL()
- updateMask()
- updateOverlayGL()
- visibleRect() const
- vtkQtRenderWindow(QWidget *parent = 0, const char* name = 0, const QGLWidget *shareWidget = 0, WFlags f = 0) (defined in vtkQtRenderWindow)
- vtkQtRenderWindow(const QGLFormat &format, QWidget *parent = 0, const char *name = 0, const QGLWidget *shareWidget = 0, WFlags f = 0) (defined in vtkQtRenderWindow)
- vtkRenderWindow()
- vtkRenderWindow(const vtkRenderWindow&)
- wheelEvent( QWheelEvent * )
- WidgetFlags{ WType_TopLevel = 0x00000001, WType_Modal = 0x00000002, WType_Popup = 0x00000004, WType_Desktop = 0x00000008, WType_Mask = 0x0000000f, WStyle_Customize = 0x00000010, WStyle_NormalBorder = 0x00000020, WStyle_DialogBorder = 0x00000040, WStyle_NoBorder = 0x00000000, WStyle_Title = 0x00000080, WStyle_SysMenu = 0x00000100, WStyle_Minimize = 0x00000200, WStyle_Maximize = 0x00000400, WStyle_MinMax = WStyle_Minimize | WStyle_Maximize, WStyle_Tool = 0x00000800, WStyle_StaysOnTop = 0x00001000, WStyle_Dialog = 0x00002000, WStyle_ContextHelp = 0x00004000, WStyle_NoBorderEx = 0x00008000, WStyle_Mask = 0x0000fff0, WDestructiveClose = 0x00010000, WPaintDesktop = 0x00020000, WPaintUnclipped = 0x00040000, WPaintClever = 0x00080000, WResizeNoErase = 0x00100000, WMouseNoMask = 0x00200000, WNorthWestGravity = 0x00400000, WRepaintNoErase = 0x00800000, WX11BypassWM = 0x01000000 }
- width() const
- WindowRemap()
- winId() const
- WritePPMImageFile()
- x() const
- y() const
- ~vtkQtRenderWindow() (defined in vtkQtRenderWindow)
- ~vtkRenderWindow()
Generated at Tue Sep 26 18:34:00 2000 for Grid Edit by
1.2.0 written by Dimitri van Heesch,
© 1997-2000