The Virtual Reality Modeling Language Specification
Version 2.0, Official Draft #3, ISO/IEC 14772
July 15, 1996
There are many people that have contributed to the VRML 2.0
Specification. We have listed the major contributors below. Please let
us know if we left someone out who deserves to be on this list (e.g.

Gavin Bell, gavin@acm.org
Rikk Carey, rikk@best .com
Chris Marrin, cmarrin@sgi.com
Ed Allard, eda@sgi.com
Curtis Beeson, curtisb@sgi.com
Geoff Brown, gb@sgi.com
Sam T. Denton, denton@maryville.com
Christopher Fouts, fouts@atlanta.sgi.com
Rich Gossweiler, dr_rich@sgi.com
Jan Hardenbergh, jch@jch.com
Jed Hartman, jed@sgi.com
Jim Helman, jimh@sgi.com
Yasuaki Honda, honda@arch.sony.co.jp
Jim Kent, jkent@sgi.com
Rodger Lea, rodger@csl.sony.co.jp
Jeremy Leader, jeremy@worlds.net
Kouichi Matsuda, matsuda@arch.sony.co.jp
Mitra, mitra@earth.path.net
David Mott, mott@best.com
Chet Murphy, cmurphy@modelworks.com
Michael Natkin, mjn@sgi.com
Rick Pasetto, rsp@sgi.com
Bernie Roehl, broehl@sunee.uwaterloo.ca
John Rohlf, jrohlf@sgi.com
Ajay Sreekanth, ajay@cs.berkeley.edu
Paul Strauss, pss@sgi.com
Josie Wernecke, josie@sgi.com
Daniel Woods, woods@sgi.com
Yukio Andoh, andoh@dst.nk-exa.co.jp
Gad Barnea, barnea@easynet.fr
Philippe F. Bertrand, philippe@vizbiz.com
Don Brutzman, brutzman@cs.nps.navy.mil
Sam Chen, sambo@sgi.com
Justin Couch, jtc@hq.adied.oz.au
Ross Finlayson, raf@tomco.net
Clay Graham, clay@sgi.com
John Gwinner, 75162.514@compuserve.com
Jeremy Leader, jeremy@worlds.net
Braden McDaniel, braden@shadow.net
Tom Meyer, tom@tom.com
Stephanus Mueller, steffel@blacksun.de
Rob Myers, rob@sgi.com
Alan Norton, norton@sgi.com
Tony Parisi, tparisi@intervista.com
Mark Pesce, mpesce@netcom.com
Scott S. Ross, ssross@fedex.com
Hugh Steele, hughs@virtuality.com
Helga Thorvaldsdottir, helga@sgi.com
Chee Yu, chee@netgravity.com
The entire VRML community, www-vrml@wired.com

This URL: http://vrml.sgi.com/moving-worlds/spec/credits.html