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Image sharing and recycling


It is not hard too see how reasonably sized papers, especially scientific articles, can require the use of many hundreds of external images. For this reason, image sharing and recycling is of critical importance. In this context, ``sharing'' refers to the use of one image in more than one place in an article. ``Recycling'' refers to the use of an image left over from a previous run of LaTeX2HTML. Without them, every instance of an image would have to be regenerated every time even the slightest change in the document were made.

All types of images can be shared. These include ``small images'' and figures with or without thumbnails and image maps. Furthermore, most images can also be reused. The only exception are those which are order sensitive, meaning that their content depends upon their location. Examples of order sensitive images are equation   and eqnarray   environments. This is because their figure numbers are part of the image. Figures and tables with captions, on the other hand, are order insensitive because the figure numbers are handled by HTML and are not part of the image itself.

If you have a document with a great many displayed equations, you might try using the heqn   style package. Inclusion of this style file has absolutely no effect on the printed version of the article, but it does change the way in which LaTeX2HTML translates displayed equations and equation arrays. It causes the equation numbers of the equation   environment to be moved outside of the images themselves, so that they become order-independent and hence recyclable. Images that result from the eqnarray   environment are also recyclable, as long as their equation numbers remain unchanged from the previous run. An optional \nonumber   command is recognized in each line of the equation array. A side-effect of this approach is that equation numbers will appear on the left side of the page. The heqn package requires the html package.

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Leon Kos
Tue Mar 19 09:29:01 MET 1996